
Geoshape(type, coordinates, radius)

Geoshape class


type: String, Type of geoshape: Point, Circle or Polygon

coordinates: Array, Coordinates of the geoshape

radius: Number, Radius of the circle in km

point(latitude, longitude)

Point method


latitude: Number, Latitude of the point

longitude: Number, Longitude of the point

circle(latitude, longitude, radius)

Circle method


latitude: Number, Latitude of the circle

longitude: Number, Longitude of the circle

radius: Number, Radius of the circle in km

box(swLatitude, swLongitude, neLatitude, neLongitude)

Box method


swLatitude: Number, South-West latitude of the box

swLongitude: Number, South-West longitude of the box

neLatitude: Number, North-East latitude of the box

neLongitude: Number, North-East longitude of the box